Archive for July, 2013

English: Logo of Gamescom


It’s that time again folks: The time where we all pack our bags, hop on a plane to the continent, and enjoy all the sausage and beer for a few days. Oh and there might be something to do with videogames there as well, can’t remember.

I genuinely think GamesCom is my favourite time of the year… I still want to do E3 once; just so I can say I have, but I’m so rooted in the European games market (and the PC market) that GamesCom is far more relevant to me as a professional and as a person. The Germans are all so nice as well.

I’ve officially been a Freelancer now for well over a year, although this year’s GamesCom is going to be the first that I’ll be opening myself up for genuine freelance commissions. I’ll promote this on twitter, but I find directly appealing to followers about this kind of stuff a bit… tacky? Inappropriate? I don’t know – no offence to anyone who likes soliciting via twitter, it just makes me uncomfortable. Anyway, here’s the deal:

GamesCom 2013 Freelance Pitch

As I enter my sixth year in this business, this will also be my sixth year going to GamesCom – I know the show very well, how it works, the set-up etc… And I’m also on good terms with many of the PR’s, so getting appointments shouldn’t be a problem. I’m professional, I’m good with deadlines, and I’m used to the post-Com grind, so I’ll be able to keep up with the workload. I shall be at GamesCom from Monday 19th August through to Sunday 25th. Typically, some companies like holding external events on the Tuesday, but for the most part the focus will be on business centre appointments on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sometimes Saturday too but that’s become increasingly rare in recent years.

I am available for PAID Freelance Work during GamesCom 2013. This includes:

* Appointments: If you want to book me into something, or if you want me to try and get an appointment on your behalf I will, and you’ll get any coverage that comes from it. (Previews & Interviews) Caveat: I’m not going to be booking appointments off my own back without a commission first.

* Hands-On: Depending on the release schedule, they’ll be many opportunities in the consumer areas for limited hands-on time with upcoming games. If you want some hands-on impressions of something, let me know.

* Features: General or specific features surrounding any topic.

* Podcasts, Videos etc… If you make a podcast, video blog etc… And you need an extra voice or anything like that, (especially if I’ve managed to get in and see something that you haven’t yet), extra pair of hands etc… Then I’d be happy to do a guest spot. It’s not that I think I’m another Pachter or anything, but hey, I like talking about games, and I know how to speak on multimedia.

* Anything else you can think of.


If you are interested in hiring me, please do not hesitate to get in touch:

Phone: +44 7879640305
Skype: joeruk88
Twitter: @DigitalXentric