I’ve never been this far away from home…

Posted: January 19, 2011 in Lifestyle/Culture, Other, Work Related
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… which is a lie, actually. I’ve been to America twice before in my life – once to Los Angeles and Las Vegas, and once to Indiana, both of which are ‘further’ away from home than New York. I just wanted to use that Kaiser Chief song for a title. Still, I almost don’t count my previous two trips to the US. In Indiana I was just visiting family, and the California trip I was like, 12? 13? Couldn’t really enjoy the finer points of the place, so this marks my first trip to America as an adult.

I’m here for the next few days to see Paradox Interactive, a Swedish-based videogames publisher who specialise in niche PC titles, mainly strategy. They’re holding their annual conference, and as a change of venue from Stockholm they decided to go to New York instead – result! Had to get an early flight from London Heathrow to Dublin, and then from there to New York so I’ve been traveling/in transit for most of the day.

Almost ended before it started mind… we traveled in a group, and one of our number lost his boarding pass and the muppets at Heathrow kept sending him here there and everywhere. Ended up him and the PR guy in charge not getting on the flight and having to wait for the second one, whilst the rest of us went on ahead. I also had this kid behind me on the plane to New York who I actually wanted to punch in the face, he was so bratty. The fact that he had an American accent just made it even worse!

Anyway… not sure how much you’ll see me over the next couple of days. I’ve got to actually cover the event and write up content for Strategy Informer, as well as socialise and generally have fun. Hopefully I’ll have some interesting stories to tell when I get back.

Oh, and seriously: BEST. HOTEL ROOM. EVER. I mean this place even has a sofa!







Until next time.

  1. Marco Fiori says:

    Have a great time man!

  2. Emily says:

    Yeah, definitely have a great time. You must plaster your blog with trip photos when you return.

  3. […] than that, not a hell of a lot has happened this year: my trip to New York was a lot of fun, as was a subsequent trip to Stockholm (which I’m returning to at the end of […]

  4. […] week – I’m off to Stockholm. Youmay  remember around this time last year I went to New York to go see Paradox Interactive? Well now that they’ve crossed the big apple off their […]

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